Tuesday, October 23, 2007

No time for blogging

I haven't blogged lately because I've been spending my time reading! Since my last blog, I've read Dracula and Wuthering Heights, along with several secondary sources on each, particularly as I prepared for my presentation on Dracula. I've learned a lot about female editors in the 19th century, and a larger project is starting to take shape. Liz Polcha has even convinced me that perhaps Turn of the Screw belongs in my project with its genderless narrator and female transcriber. Anyway, I'll have to think more about that.

I've loved, btw, reading these two Gothic novels. The discussions in class have been great--I especially like when people wonder why I like Wuthering Heights so much. It gives me a chance to express passion for literature that I don't often get to express in stuffy academic writing. I can't wait to finish the trifecta by reading Frankenstein.

Anyway, I start Blake this weekend and plan to read both America and Milton. Blake is so underrated and misunderstood, but in many ways he is the father of modern poetry, especially postmodern, psychedelic writing. Allen Ginsberg said he begin writing poetry because William Blake visited him in a vision. How much more inspirational can you be than that??

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